- Adult Programs & Students Only.
- Only for current students who have attended at least two full paying months.
- Limit of six free months (referrals) per person.
- Promotion will run from 12/15/2022 until program is 85% full or by 2/15/2022.
- Must request credit during the 3rd full paying month of the referred friend via www.mmapayments.com.
- Referred member and current student MUST be current CPAMMA members to receive credit.
- Current student & referred student must inform CPAMMA via email when scheduling the free trial/first class class that “They were referred by/I referred.”
- You cannot mention the referral “after the fact.” Simply email info@cpamma.com to inform us before their free trial/first class.
- Past referrals are not applicable. All referred members have to come between the dates listed above to be valid. Referred member cannot be previous member.
- Not eligible with any other specials other than CPAMMA’s “1/2 off special & Unlimited Classes in a Program of Your Choice.”